VIDEO – Can HRT prevent weight gain in menopause? Many women complain that they start to gain weight years before and after going through menopause. They tell me they eat right, exercise and do all of the right things and just can’t seem to keep the weight off. They want answers and help.
Menopause is associated with a decrease in the resting metabolic rate. That means less calories are burned so it is easier to gain weight. There is also a redistribution of fat mass to your belly, hips and thighs, This increases the waist-to-hip ratio which makes you more susceptible to heart disease and the metabolic syndrome which is a cluster of problems such as high triglycerides, blood pressure, blood sugar, low HDL the good cholesterol and belly fat.
The good news is that studies show that women taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) had significantly lower body fat than women who did not take hormones. They also had a lower body mass index. Hormone replacement therapy not only prevented weight-gain, but favored weight-loss. It significantly increased fat burning. It also lowered LDL the bad cholesterol and blood sugar did not spike after a sugar load.
A number of studies have shown that weight gain is greatest in the peri-menopausal years. This can start as early as your mid 30’s and last 10 or more years. The North American and the International Menopause Society have stated that if you have symptoms, it is best to start hormone replacement therapy early. This reduces risk. Bioidentical hormones have a more beneficial effect on your brain, breast, heart and weight. That’s good news.
Belly fat is not just unsightly; it causes inflammation and a host of illnesses. So consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy but have an evaluation by a physician who is knowledgeable. The type and how you give it can influence side effects.
I would love to help you learn more. Call my office (973-218-1199) to schedule a consultation. I study the studies so you don’t have to. Let me help you live younger and healthier. You can function at your peak.
She is a recognized and award-winning holistic, functional, integrative and anti-aging healthcare practitioner, speaker and author, and has been featured in ABC News, Forbes, WOR Radio and many media outlets to spread the word that you can live younger and healthier at any age.