Shake Bake & Salad Slimdown

30 Days to Revive & Thrive

Strategies and Resources to Create a Life You LOVE!

Are you Tired, Moody, Have Brain Fog, Aches and Pains or a Hormone Imbalance?

Are you finding it hard to lose weight no matter what you try?

You don’t know what to eat or how to cook different foods?

Do you suffer from High Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar or Cholesterol?


Hi, I’m Lorraine Maita, and I work with busy, high-net worth, corporate executives every day who are experiencing these same issues. They come to me for the one-on-one attention that everyone deserves, but very few can afford.

My private patients often come to me believing that a pill can solve the issues they are having, or that the challenges are a function of age which everyone experiences at some point. In truth, they are almost always rooted in diet.

Remember the old saying… “you are what you eat?” Well, we all are the result of what is going into our bodies and what nutrients our bodies are able to absorb from it.

Through the years of developing programs for my private patients, coming up with simple solutions they can use wherever their globe-trotting lives take them, and doing tons of research, I’ve developed my own simple and easy to follow plan.

Are you ready to Lose Weight- Feel Great- Get Healthy and Heal?

Try The Shake, Bake and Salad Slimdown TM 14 Days to Flatter Abs and a Slim, Sexy, Supercharged Mind and Body

The Shake, Bake and Salad Slimdown TM takes the guesswork out of what to eat.

  • Eat all natural, healthy, wholesome, unprocessed foods

  • This healthy eating, weight loss program detoxifies, cleanses and heals your bowel and liver (no diarrhea or frequent bowel movements).
  • Addresses the root cause of weight gain – decreases inflammation and toxins that pack on pounds and make your metabolism sluggish.
  • Relief from symptoms of illness due to inflammation such as acne, asthma, allergies, arthritis, asthma, congestion, bloating, dark cravings, circles under eyes, fatigue, depression, digestive disorders, gas, headaches, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, irritability, insomnia, mental fog, mood swings, and more!

You may experience the following fabulous benefits:

  • Flat abs
  • Better sleep
  • Clear, glowing skin
  • Freedom from cravings
  • Renewed energy and vitality
  • Freedom from headaches
  • Eliminate aches and pains
  • Relief from congestion or mucous
  • Eliminate puffy eyes or dark circles
  • Restore healthy digestion and enhance absorption
  • Mental clarity and freedom from mental fog
  • Reduce or eliminate anxiety, depression and irritability
  • Better blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Eliminate or reduce symptoms of chronic illness

It will leave you feeling Slim, Sharp, Sexy and SuperchargedTM


The Self-Guided DIY Program includes:

  • Detailed Instructions to prepare and implement The Shake, Bake and Salad Slimdown TM
  • Daily Emails to Educate, Motivate, and Inspire ($299 value)

  • Recipes, Resources & Tracking Sheets ($47 value)
  • Protocols of supplements designed to heal, energize and melt fat and reduce symptoms of detoxification ($197 value)
  • Access to Top Quality Supplements at a 10% Discount (priceless!)
  • Recorded Q&A Calls & Transcripts ($147 value)

Value $690

Your Price $97

It’s couldn’t be easier!

  • Drink a shake in the morning
  • Toss a salad
  • Bake, grill or cook some organic chicken, fish, meat and vegetables
  • Watch the fat melt away and experience renewed energy and vitality

Weight loss

While patients of mine and I have been using this plan for years, this is the first time I’ve ever packaged it this way to make it affordable enough for anyone.

Here are some more details:

  • Your purchase of the program today will provide you a month of daily support emails from me that will help you prepare for and execute your 14-day elimination and 14 day reintroduction program.
  • In addition to purchasing the support program from me, you may purchase the recommended supplements at a discount. THE SHAKES AND SUPPLEMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE PROGRAM..
  • You will get all the instructions right away, but you will trigger the 30 days of emails for the actual Shake, Bake and Salad Slimdown TM when you are ready. Part of the program is preparing for it and fitting it into your busy schedule when the time is right for you.
  • The recorded Q&A calls will motivate and support you.
  • Recordings of the Q&A with transcripts are in the Resource Library.

Here’s what participants had to say:

“Day 11- down 10 lbs, 5 inches overall, but even better- I feel so much better” L.B.

“To all those who have/will embark(ed) on this journey: It works but takes changing your eating habits, portion control and self discipline. I am now 56 years old. 5’7″. I started at 223 lbs. I lost approx. 1.2 lbs/week for months and have now slowed to 2 lbs/month, with minimal exercise (which I really should be adding in). I am now down to 157.5 lbs I have great fun shopping in my closet from my 2000-04 wardrobe. Don’t give up! Everyone’s path is different. Slow and steady wins the race.” K.T.

“I’m on day 12 of the diet, and finally starting to feel some increased energy, less puffiness (this was kind of shocking b/c I hadn’t really noticed how I was actually wearing a layer of puffiness around my entire body until it wasn’t there any longer!) and brain fog and I’ve lost 8 lbs. I’m thrilled with the progress” T.G.

“This program totally transformed my life! I started in February 2014. After two weeks I felt more energetic and healthier! After losing 20 pounds I have maintained my weight for 6 months! Following the diet is easy as it just becomes part of your life style. Whenever I eat something that is difficult for my body, I get symptoms so it becomes simple to make good choices! I cannot say enough good things about this new way of eating and looking at foods. Plus I feel great and much younger!” S.L.

“In 3 weeks, I was on the total elimination and shake, bake and salad slim down diet.

  • To date, I now lost
  • 10 pounds
  • 11% body fat
  • 8.1/4 inches from chest to thighs

Retake your symptom questionnaire people, here is my results.

  • I have an increase in energy, decrease in fatigue, lethargy
  • decrease stuffy nose, sinus problems, excessive mucous
  • decrease in chronic coughing, frequent need to clear throat,
  • decrease in insomnia
  • decrease in asthma, shortness of breath
  • increase in memory concentration, comprehension
  • no depression, anxiety, mood swings,
  • I’m not stopping and can’t wait to see more weightloss and inches also look for to healing my stomach issues.

Thank you” C. D.


This program is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional and should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.