Supplement Savvy

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Do You Have Supplement Savvy?

Why you need access to discounts on safe, top quality, exclusive supplements to improve your health

Are you getting at least 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day? If not, you probably have some nutritional deficiencies.

Did you know that 46% of multivitamins did not meet quality standards? Some had lower levels of nutrients than claimed, others took too long to disintegrate?

Research has suggested that some herbal supplements have been found to contain high levels of heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic.

If not properly stored and distributed, fish oil can go rancid, and probiotics and other supplement lose their potency.


It is time for you to get Supplement Savvy. Good nutrition and the right dose and form of dietary supplements can dramatically improve your health and wellbeing and treat the root cause of illness and may lessen the need for medication.

Sign up for Supplement Savvy. It’s free to join and gives you access to exclusive brands at a discount.

  • You are not obligated to buy anything and you won’t be bombarded with emails.
  • I am invested in helping you improve your health and will be sharing my most often used protocols and brands.
  • The best news is that you will be getting them at a discount but you have to sign up to get access.

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Stress, environmental toxins, nutrient deficient soil, packaged, processed, GMO foods that are not picked ripe and lose nutrients in shipping, storage, and cooking can all lead to sub optimal levels of vital nutrients. We age because of oxidation, inflammation and glycation (excess sugar binding to protein).

You need protection from these metabolic processes as well as supplementation to have maximal energy, strength, clarity and detoxification. A good multivitamin and mineral formula is essential.

Nutritional deficiencies are common:

  • The Healthy Eating Index from the Center for Nutrition Policy and Research indicated that 48% of the population does not meet essential intake of dark green and orange vegetables and whole grains
  • US Department of Agriculture and Health and Human Services found deficiencies in calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium and Vitamins A, C and E
  • 2 US Population Studies found deficiencies in Vitamins A, E, folic acid, potassium and calcium and marginal deficiencies in Vitamin C and B vitamins
  • Vitamin D Deficiency is found in 57% of the US population and even in 40% of adults in Miami as well as the majority of the elderly

The type and quality of supplements you choose are imperative to get optimal results.

Get Supplement Savvy now by signing up below for exclusive access to top quality, professional brands of supplements at a discount direct from the manufacturer or authorized distributors. This will assure you get fresh, authentic product. It won’t cost you anything to join, you can save money as well as your health and wellbeing.
Access to these and the premier resource for professional-grade nutritional supplements to the integrative healthcare community, offering thousands of products from over 250 of the world’s top brands of nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals, herbs, personal and skin care and other products.

Brands such as:

  • Designs for Health
  • Douglas
  • Integrative Therapeutics
  • Metagenics
  • Orthomolecular Products
  • Pure Encapsulations
  • Xymogen
  • And More…

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