Try An Approach Designed With CARE

Optimize Your Weight, Energy, Mood, Sleep, Mental Clarity and Overall, Health


If you’re grappling with unyielding fatigue, unexpected weight gain, persistent mental fog, erratic mood swings, insatiable cravings, unexplained aches and pains, troublesome skin conditions, or poor sleep, know that you’re not alone. These aren’t just isolated symptoms; they’re signs from your body, signaling a deeper imbalance. Toxins and food sensitivities that cause inflammation and imbalances of your immune, hormone and nervous system may be the root cause.

Many people who come to us are “healthy” eaters, so they don’t think the message necessarily applies to them. 

Healthy foods you have enjoyed eating for years without a problem may now be causing symptoms. The symptoms are often not digestive so you may not associate them with your diet. Chronic skin conditions, migraines, allergies, asthma, reflux, fatigue, body aches and pains, bloating, chronic constipation, and difficulty focusing, concentrating, and remembering are all common signs of a food sensitivity.

Imagine Relief from So Many Symptoms!

The good news is there is a simple strategy that can address the common root causes through a simple, tested process with measurable results.

Edith (name changed for confidentiality), a menopausal woman, felt like her health was out of control. She had symptoms in every category on the Medical Symptom Questionnaire. This questionnaire scores the number and severity of symptoms. The higher the number, the worse the condition. She complained of weight gain in the hips and stomach, anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, overwhelm, and more. After completing the questionnaire it raised awareness of other symptoms that she experienced as “normal” for her age.

In just a few weeks, her score went down from a high of 120 to a low of 40! She lost weight around her belly. Her diarrhea, heartburn, nasal congestion, mood swings, irritability, dark circles under eyes, and itchy eyes were gone. Energy tripled and joint and muscle pain went from a high of 9 to a low of 3 which is a significant improvement. Memory and concentration went from 11 to 3. Acne hives and rashes cleared.  She felt like a new woman, and you can too! 

You Too Can Transform

Imagine waking up feeling refreshed and energized, your body lighter and more agile, your mind clear and focused, and your mood stable and optimistic. Picture a day without the gnawing cravings for foods that don’t serve you, free from the aches that have held you back, and a complexion that mirrors your inner health. This is the transformation that awaits.

  • Revitalized Energy: Break free from the chains of fatigue and rediscover what it means to feel truly energized.
  • Sustainable Weight Loss: Experience weight loss that feels natural and maintainable, without the constant battle.
  • Clarity and Focus: Clear the mental fog that clouds your days, finding clarity and enhanced focus.
  • Emotional Balance: Achieve a stable mood and emotional resilience, navigating life’s ups and downs with grace.
  • Cravings Controlled: Free yourself from unhealthy cravings, making way for nourishing choices.
  • Alleviated Aches and Enhanced Comfort: Find relief from unexplained aches and pains, embracing comfort and mobility.
  • Radiant Skin: Witness the transformation of your skin as it becomes a reflection of your inner health.
  • Restorative Sleep: Enjoy the kind of sleep that leaves you rejuvenated, ready to take on the day.

The path to wellness is through a well-researched process:

The gut has 80% of your immune system and a healthy gut is essential to wellbeing. Following the process leaves people feeling good again. 


  • Eliminate foods that commonly cause inflammation for 2 weeks. Common foods that may stimulate your immune system and cause a wide array of symptoms are dairy, wheat, corn, soy, eggs, artificial ingredients, dyes, alcohol and artificial sweeteners.
  • Reduce or eliminate toxins in food, water, air and products. Toxins can cause inflammation and interfere with your immune, hormone, and nervous system causing a wide range of symptoms. Don’t worry, you will be adding the foods back systematically one at a time to see if any are the root cause of your symptoms.
  • Use detoxifying herbs such as silymarin (milk thistle) artichoke and pomegranate extract, and supplements such as alpha lipoic acid, N acetyl cysteine.


  • Eat organic and drink clean, filtered water, use nontoxic products to reduce toxin load. 
  • Heal the gut with nourishing foods that feed your good bacteria such as plenty of vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats such as fish, olives, avocado, nuts and any of their oils.
  • Probiotics and probiotic foods restore gut health and modulate your hormone, immune and nervous system. 


  • Add fiber to feed the good bacteria in your gut and bind and remove toxins as well as relieve constipation.
  • Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and gut healing properties.
  • MSM methylsulfonylmethane also reduces inflammation allow the gut to heal.

Your Path to Feeling Good Again

This process is simple and can yield dramatic results. It may feel daunting to do this alone. We have helped thousands of people and simplified the process. This isn’t about temporary fixes but a profound, lasting change. Our group or individual “Detox & Feel Good Again” program isn’t just a step towards feeling better—it’s a leap towards a new way of life. A life where you’re in tune with your body, where vitality is your default state, and where each day is filled with the potential for joy and well-being.

Are you ready to embrace this journey? To transform not just your health, but your life? Join us, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together. Your path to feeling good again starts now.

Try An Approach Designed With CARE

Optimize Your Weight, Energy, Mood, Sleep, Mental Clarity and Overall, Health

About Author

AuthorLorraine Maita, CEO & Founder of The Feel Good Again Institute, and widely known as the “Hormone Harmonizer”, has helped thousands of people ditch fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, lose weight, and achieve balanced hormones so they Feel Good Again!.

She is a recognized and award-winning holistic, functional, integrative and anti-aging healthcare practitioner, speaker and author, and has been featured in ABC News, Forbes, WOR Radio and many media outlets to spread the word that you can live younger and healthier at any age.

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