Stress Less – Tips for a Healthy Holiday
‘Tis the season, making the list, checking it twice, some people are naughty, some are nice and most are caught up in the do more, see more, have more, go more, eat more, drink more and stress more mentality. Holidays can be hell if you let them. Here are some of my favorite survival tips to help you thrive and enjoy the holiday season.
Try making room for relaxation and cross some things off of your To Do list
Do you really need to decorate to the fullest extent possible or can you do with a more moderate, toned down holiday décor?
Simplify your gift giving; shop locally to support local merchants who are struggling in this economy. The experience can be less time consuming and more personal.
Do you want to live in a town where all of the shops are empty?
Shop online, buy gift cards or personalize items, which can make something ordinary, extraordinary.
Stuffed and Overindulged won’t make for a healthy holiday.
Pour smaller glasses of wine and other beverages and linger longer over them to avoid over drinking
Use a small plate and choose some lower calorie food to fill up on and limit the amount of high fat, high sugar indulgences
Choose to go to the parties where you will have the best time and don’t feel obligated to accept every invitation
If you get too many invitations, ask to push some off until after the holidays or the New Year. Let the good times roll into the New Year when post holiday blues may set in
Stress Less – Tips for a Healthy Holiday Takeaway:
Take Care of Yourself
Find time to exercise
Relax and meditate on a daily basis even if it’s only for 5 minutes
Laugh and enjoy your family and friends
Happy Holidays
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She is a recognized and award-winning holistic, functional, integrative and anti-aging healthcare practitioner, speaker and author, and has been featured in ABC News, Forbes, WOR Radio and many media outlets to spread the word that you can live younger and healthier at any age.