Best Ways to Learn How to Care for Your Precious Mind and Body. If I only knew…..
I get asked all of the time, “Why do I feel bad or have this condition and how do I fix it so I can feel like myself again?”
When they finally get answers, they say, “If I only knew…….”
My patients often come to me after they developed symptoms and we go through ways to mitigate and prevent illness as well as how to best manage their condition and restore them to good health. The Functional Medicine approach explores how things occur, gets to the root cause and finds actionable ways to turn things around.
Do you want to learn how to mitigate or prevent illness?
After pregnancy and a death in the family, Jennifer never felt the same again. She started to gain weight, felt fatigued, got bloated and suffered for many years with heavy bleeding, cramps, PMS, bloating and disabling fatigue. She searched and went from doctor to doctor for over 8 years. Had she caught this hormone imbalance early, she could have saved herself 8 years of suffering! Now, after getting to the root cause, she is free from these disabling symptoms. You can learn some of the strategies that helped her.
“What led to this condition?”
Oftentimes, there was a predisposition such as a lifestyle, genetic, or environmental condition or exposure that “pre-disposed” someone to developing a condition. Then there is a trigger – a stressful period of time, hormonal changes, exposure to toxins or infection that starts it all. Once started, the lifestyle, genetic, or environmental conditions that led to it perpetuate the illness or condition.
When we explore these things, my patients say, “If I only knew what to do sooner, I would not have been sick as long or have had to take a medication that gave me side effects.” “If I only knew this, I could have prevented it or stopped it from getting worse. I would not have had to suffer. “Would you want to explore your antecedents, triggers and mediators or perpetuators so you can thrive with optimal health?
Darlene had chronic abdominal pain and alternating constipation and diarrhea for years. She always had to be near a bathroom. No one was able to help her. After going through our proprietary process, she no longer has these symptoms. She can travel, go out without fear and do more things with her family. We discovered the root cause and she no longer suffers. The answer and remedy was simple.
Good News for the Mind and Body
The good news is that many things can be turned around with the proper guidance and support. Knowing what to do when, how to undo the process that led to dis-ease or not feeling well and how to doctor yourself can keep you healthy and out of the hospital or doctor’s office.
Catching things early can be the difference of having a short, uneventful and uncomplicated situation versus a long, expensive, complicated and protracted illness. I surveyed my patients and readers and now more than ever, people understand the value of good health and know they have a role to play in the process. They want more out of life. They want to age gracefully, feel good, have more energy, stamina, clear thinking, stable moods, restful sleep and ideal weight.
Misty suffered from severe debilitating arthritis and was put on an immune suppressing drug that cost $4,000 a month. It was the only way she could function. Life was hard when she was in so much pain. We uncovered the root cause and she is free of pain, feels better than she had in years and is saving $4,000 a month!
Ask and You Shall Receive
My patients and followers said they want the information, guidance and support to be able to doctor themselves as well as know when to seek help. They want more natural ways to stay healthy and most said they wanted webinars and programs that went into more depth so they could learn what to do. You can learn what Jennifer, Darlene and Misty learned.
With almost 40 years of experience in caring for patients in different settings, developing and implementing award winning programs for 3 Fortune 100 companies each with around 120,000 people, I decided to develop some for my patients and followers to answer the most common questions I get asked.
Your Input is Vital
I value your input. You are the people I serve. As I am creating courses which will be a great value, I would love some feedback regarding what interests you the most. I will create short, medium and longer courses that will give you the knowledge, guidance and support to answer your most burning questions.
You can get invaluable and transformative education, resources and guidance that my patients get for a fraction of the cost. Even if you are a patient, having a place to go with a library of resources will save you the time of going to a doctor. Furthermore, the cost of a visit or copay and medications.
Would YOU Like to Know the Best Ways to Learn How to Care for Your Precious Mind and Body?
- How to anti-age and stay healthy with my mind and body intact?
- How to harmonize hormones for better health and balance?
- How do I manage common conditions naturally?
- How to make healthy habits easy?
If you do and want answers from an experienced team, take the survey. You are important and can have a say regarding what I develop first. I value your feedback and want to serve as best I can. Cast your vote to be able to learn how to doctor yourself, transform and optimize your health and live with vitality.
Thanks, so much for participating in this survey. Writing, teaching and speaking to a broader audience has been a dream of mine for a long time and living with energy, strength and vitality may be your dream. Let’s make this happen.
She is a recognized and award-winning holistic, functional, integrative and anti-aging healthcare practitioner, speaker and author, and has been featured in ABC News, Forbes, WOR Radio and many media outlets to spread the word that you can live younger and healthier at any age.