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VIDEO – Mojo and Motivation: It could be low testosterone.

  • Are you feeling grumpy and lack motivation?
  • Are your libido, strength and endurance waning?
  • Do you feel tired and listless?

It may be low testosterone. Hormone replacement therapy with bioidentical testosterone can restore your mood, mojo and motivation. Most men can’t articulate how they are feeling and complain of losing their edge. In a competitive fast paced work environment they can’t afford to perform under par.

Natural bioidentical hormone therapy with testosterone given through the skin is an easy way to get back on track. Injections cause surges and plunges resulting in mood swings. Giving testosterone through the skin is more convenient. Levels stay stable and it may also improve erections as well as libido.

Testosterone Injections?

Taking testosterone through the skin bypasses the liver and can reduce the side effects of abnormal liver function and production of binding proteins that make testosterone unavailable.

Mojo and Motivation: It could be testosterone

There are many other benefits of taking bioidentical hormones. Having optimal testosterone levels can have a positive effect on the heart, bones, muscles, and brain and enhance energy, self esteem and confidence. There have not been any studies showing that testosterone causes cancer. Being monitored by a physician with experience in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is essential to determine if you are converting testosterone to unwanted metabolites. Something often overlooked in conventional medicine.

I study the studies so you don’t have to. Schedule a consultation or coaching session for more information. I want to help you function at your peak and look and feel your best.


Vibrance for Life

A Day of Healing: Detox Your Mind. Body, Spirit and Space

Join me and 6 other experts who offer conversational solutions. Please join us: Sunday, October 20,2013 9:30am-3:30pm on a beautiful 55 acre farm in Stockton, NJ a healthy organic lunch will be served

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Try An Approach Designed With CARE

Optimize Your Weight, Energy, Mood, Sleep, Mental Clarity and Overall, Health

About Author

AuthorLorraine Maita, CEO & Founder of The Feel Good Again Institute, and widely known as the “Hormone Harmonizer”, has helped thousands of people ditch fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, lose weight, and achieve balanced hormones so they Feel Good Again!.

She is a recognized and award-winning holistic, functional, integrative and anti-aging healthcare practitioner, speaker and author, and has been featured in ABC News, Forbes, WOR Radio and many media outlets to spread the word that you can live younger and healthier at any age.

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