Try An Approach Designed With CARE

Optimize Your Weight, Energy, Mood, Sleep, Mental Clarity and Overall, Health


medical weight loss in njMedical Weight Loss in NJ. If you’re looking for medical weight loss in NJ, you’re at exactly the right place. We specialize in providing medical weight loss solutions to NJ as well as out of town residents who turn to us for any number of reasons. These can include:

  • Trying diet after diet without finding one that works
  • Losing weight on a diet, and then easily regaining it once off the diet
  • Being on prescription medication due to complications that arose from being overweight

If any of those hit a personal note, then your next step may be to consider medical weight loss in NJ. Medical weight loss programs identify the underlying cause as to why an individual won’t easily lose weight. From there, a program is developed to help drop the shed the extra pounds and keep them off long-term.

When involved in a medical weight loss program, you will work together with a physician to discover what is unique about your genetic makeup and metabolism that’s causing difficulties with losing weight. Then a plan of action will be created to help you conquer those difficulties. Medical weight loss will not only help you lose weight, it will help with restoring health and getting your energy back to optimum levels.

The Medical Weight Loss Difference

What can a medical weight loss program provide that a regular weight loss program can’t? For one, you will have the ability to burn fat even once the program has concluded. A traditional weight loss program can often leave your metabolism worse than it was before you started. Creating a positive permanent change to your metabolism is something that’s achievable with medical weight loss in NJ.

Traditional weight loss programs aren’t personalized, while medical weight loss programs are. You’ll achieve a greater understanding of how different types of food affect your metabolism, along with a customized plan involving a diet and supplements to help target your unique challenges.

Another key benefit of medical weight loss is that your progress is being monitored. Some of the weight loss programs we specialize in require a drastic reduction in calories. Which could be detrimental to one’s health without adequate medical supervision. During a medical weight loss program your progress is monitored every step of the way to ensure weight loss is achieved in a healthy and sustainable way.

Types of Medical Weight Loss in NJ

There are several types of medical weight loss programs to look into, depending on your goals. We specialize in three types of medically supervised procedures. Firstly, two of which you can inquire about on your own. Secondly, while the other requires a referral from your doctor.

HCG Diet
A drastic reduction in calories, combined with medically supervised HCG drops or injections, have helped many a patient with losing weight rapidly and keeping it off.

Detox Diet
Through the process of removing foods from your diet, this procedure involves identifying sensitivities to food that cause inflammation, weight gain, and chronic illness.

You will need to be referred to this program by your doctor. It is a food, exercise, and habit plan where I work with you to determine the best diet and exercise for your genetics.

The time to get healthy and stay healthy is NOW. Don’t suffer any longer. Lose weight by scheduling a consultation. Call 973-218-1199.

Try An Approach Designed With CARE

Optimize Your Weight, Energy, Mood, Sleep, Mental Clarity and Overall, Health

About Author

AuthorLorraine Maita, CEO & Founder of The Feel Good Again Institute, and widely known as the “Hormone Harmonizer”, has helped thousands of people ditch fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, lose weight, and achieve balanced hormones so they Feel Good Again!.

She is a recognized and award-winning holistic, functional, integrative and anti-aging healthcare practitioner, speaker and author, and has been featured in ABC News, Forbes, WOR Radio and many media outlets to spread the word that you can live younger and healthier at any age.

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